有冇人可以幫我翻譯Little Women 這本書為中文

2007-12-06 3:10 am
我唔讖解啲英文 所以我要翻譯Little Women 這本書為中文

回答 (1)

2007-12-11 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
[edit] Plot introduction
Alcott's original work explores the overcoming of character flaws (many of the chapter titles in this first part are allusions to the allegorical concepts and places in Pilgrim's Progress). The girls' "guidebooks", as they are called, are not specifically labeled--a Bible and Pilgrim's Progress are the candidates for it, though. Each of the March girls displays a major character flaw: Meg, vanity; Jo, a hot temper; Beth, shyness; and Amy, selfishness. They overcome their flaws through lessons learned the hard way. Most of the flaws are in check for a time after lessons are learned, but even as young women the girls must work out these flaws in order to become mothers, wives, sisters, and citizens.

In the course of the novel, the girls become friends with their next-door neighbor, the teenage boy Laurie, who becomes a particular friend of Jo's. As well as the more serious and sadder themes outlined above, the book describes the activities of the sisters and their friend, such as creating a newspaper and picnicking, and the various scrapes that Jo and Laurie get into. The story represents family relationships and explores family life thoroughly.

[編輯 ]密謀介紹
奧爾科特的原先的工作探索性格缺陷的克服 大多數在這個第一個部分的標題一章是對寓言的概念的暗指並且安置在朝拜者的發展過程中)。 女孩"指南",當他們被叫時,沒被明確給貼標籤 --可是,一本聖經和朝拜者的發展是它候選人。 每個3月女孩顯示一處主要的性格缺陷︰ 梅格,空虛; 喬,急脾氣; 貝思,羞怯; 以及埃米,自私。 他們透過透過自己的努力學習的課克服他們的瑕疵。 在課被學習之后,大多數瑕疵暫時在檢查過程中, 為了成為母親,妻子,姐妹和公民,但是那些女孩必須解決這些瑕疵的就在年輕的婦女時。

在小說的過程中,那些女孩與他們的隔壁鄰居,青少年男孩勞裡一起成為朋友,成為喬的一位特別的朋友。 以及嚴重的那些更多和主題在上面略述, 書描述那些姐妹和他們的朋友的活動, 例如建立一份報紙並且野餐,以及喬和勞裡進入的各種各樣的擦痕。 故事描述家庭為關係並且完全探索家庭生活。
參考: me

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