有冇乜野資料關於莫扎特的父親, Leopold Mozart? 急!!!!!(10點)

2007-12-06 2:51 am
我想要D闆於莫扎特的父親, Leopold Mozart的資料,pls。

回答 (2)

2007-12-06 2:58 am
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Johann Georg Leopold Mozart (November 14, 1719 – May 28, 1787) was a composer, music teacher and violinist. He is best known today for being the father and teacher of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as well as for writing the violin textbook Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule.

[edit] Life

[edit] Childhood and student years
He was born in Augsburg, Germany, son of Johann Georg Mozart (1679-1736), a bookbinder, and his second wife Anna Maria Sulzer (1696-1766).[1] From an early age he sang as a choirboy. He attended a local Jesuit school, the St. Salvator Gymnasium, where he studied logic, science, theology, graduating magna cum laude in 1735. He then moved on to a more advanced school, the St. Salvator Lyceum.[2]

While a student in Augsburg, he appeared in student theatrical productions as an actor and singer,[3] and became a skilled violinist and organist.[4] He also developed an interest, which he retained, in microscopes and telescopes.[5] Although his parents had planned a career for Leopold as a Catholic priest, this apparently was not Leopold's own wish. An old school friend told Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1777, "Ah he [Leopold] was a great fellow. My father thought the world of him. And how he hoodwinked the clerics about becoming a priest!"[6]

He withdrew from the St. Salvator Lyceum after less than a year. Following a year's delay, he moved to Salzburg to resume his education, enrolling in November 1737 at the Benedictine University to study philosophy and jurisprudence.[7] At the time Salzburg was the capital of an independent state (the Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg), now part of Austria. Except for periods of travel, Leopold spent the rest of his life there.

Leopold received the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in 1738.[8] However, in September 1739 he was expelled from the university for poor attendance, having "hardly attended Natural Science more than once or twice"[9]

2007-12-06 4:04 am
Johann Georg Leopold Mozart (November 14, 1719 – May 28, 1787) was a composer, music teacher and violinist. He is best known today for being the father and teacher of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as well as for writing the violin textbook Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule.


Early career as musician
In 1740, he began his career as a professional musician, becoming violinist and valet to one of the university's canons, Johann Baptist, Count of Thurn-Valsassina and Taxis, in 1740. This was also the year of his first musical publication, the six Trio Sonatas, Opus 1.[10] These were entitled Sonate sei da chiesa e da camera; Leopold did the work of copper engraving himself.[11] He continued to compose, producing a series of German Passion[12] cantatas.[13].

In 1747 he married Anna Maria Pertl, who bore him seven children, although only two of them survived: Maria Anna Wallburga Ignatia (called "Nannerl") and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart[14]

[edit] As teacher of Nannerl and Wolfgang
Leopold discovered that his two children were musically gifted in about 1759, when he began with keyboard lessons for the seven-year-old Nannerl. The toddler Wolfgang immediately began imitating his sister, at first picking out thirds on the keyboard[22] and then making rapid progress under Leopold's instruction. By 1762, the children were ready to work as concert performers, and Leopold began taking the family on extensive concert tours, performing for both aristocracy and public, with considerable profits, throughout central and western Europe.

The discovery of his children's talent is considered to have been a life-tranforming event for Leopold. He once referred to his son as the "miracle which God let be born in Salzburg"[23]. Of Leopold's attitude, the Grove Dictionary says:

The recognition of this 'miracle' must have struck Leopold with the force of a divine revelation and he felt his responsibility to be not merely a father's and teacher's but a missionary's as well.[24]
By "missionary", the Grove refers to the family's concert tours.

Since the instruction took much of his time, and the touring kept him away from Salzburg for long periods, Leopold cut down his activities in other areas. Nannerl later claimed that he "entirely gave up both violin instruction and composition in order to direct that time not claimed in service to the prince to the education of his two children."[25] After 1762, his compositional efforts seem to have been limited to revising his earlier work; and after 1771 he composed not at all.[26]

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