
2007-12-06 2:07 am

回答 (5)

2007-12-06 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Of course you need to practise hard

2. You have to think of the poem's story. If it is happy, make yourself smile. If it is sad, make your poem be more slowly and more sad.

3. This thing is very important: You have to think of the story's stops. Think of where you have to stop and where to read in a breathe

4. Before you go on a stage, tell yourself to be brave and not a scarly mouse

5. When you go on a stage, smile at the judge first and then bow *remember this*. And then back to the mood

6. The title of the poem is very important. You have to read the poem's title as if you are telling the story.

7. When you practise, you have to read more slowly. Because you will get nervous and read faster and faster when you have the competition.

8. When you leave the stage, keep smiling look like you had done well. The judge will see you and think of YOU think you had done good if you do.

9.Before the competition, ask some people to give you some tips.

Lastly, hope you win and these tips can help you.
參考: all by myself
2007-12-06 2:12 am
1. you need to project your voice loud enough so that even the last row of audience are able to hear you well...
2. you need to speak with a certain pace, not too slow and not so fast, or marks will be deducted (i experienced that before, you can't help being nervous, so speak as calm as you can)
3. look to the front, do not keep your head down and look at your toes. try to tell yourself that your feet stinks and you should keep looking forward. you might need some eye contacts during the speech too... if you have stage-fright, just stare as if you're day dreaming...
4. memorize your dialoge well, if you feel like you might forget anything, remember to bring along your piece of speech with you until its your turn.
lastly, feel the self-confidence in you!!!

1. 你需要計畫你的聲音大聲的充足,以便甚至聽眾的最後排能夠把你聽到得很好。。。
2.你需要以一個特定的速度說,不太減慢而且不如此快速的,或標誌將被扣除(i 富有經驗的那以前,你不能幫助是緊張的,因此儘可能平靜的說)
3. 期待前面,不避免危險或分心而且看你的足趾。 試著告訴你自己你的腳臭味和你應該繼續看起來向前。 你可能在 spee 期間需要一些眼睛連絡
2007-12-06 2:11 am
be confident
參考: me
2007-12-06 2:10 am

2007-12-06 2:10 am

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