我想問as if在過去式時tense是怎樣的?

2007-12-06 12:54 am
as if後的verb轉past tense ,

那麼as if在過去式時tense是怎樣的?

回答 (2)

2007-12-06 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
John acts as if he were the king. (subjunctive past tense)

John acted as if he had been the king. (subjunctive past perfect tense)

2007-12-09 22:27:06 補充:
To: annachanHey, long time no see!!!Glad you are back. I miss you.Your answer is excellent. I am glad you have not given up. Cheers!!!Just for your reference:

2007-12-09 22:27:23 補充:
Many grammar books show [as if] more or less = [as though] but according to my late professor (he was the professor of English), they are not the same.

2007-12-09 22:29:58 補充:
He acts as if he were crazy. = He acts as (he would act) if he were crazy.He acts as though he were crazy. = He acts as (he would NOT act) though he were crazy.Therefore, [as though] is more emphatic than [as if].

2007-12-09 23:25:59 補充:
The notes from is website originally comes from me. I also taught my students a method of diagraming to analyze the sentences. (the diagraming method is from 2 professors from the USA)You now know who I am!!!

2007-12-09 23:30:33 補充:
the notes from this website (typing mistake)I have revised some of the notes because for lesson 2, adjectives, The ranking of adjectives should be according to [opinion before facts], and I have made a table now to show all the ranking of adjectives

2007-12-09 23:35:46 補充:
I wrote the notes for teaching my students (original note from my late professor, Mr. Kwan Kee Cheong, who passed away 20 years ago). I revised the notes to add adverb clauses and to include a lot of examples from different grammar books, which are no longer available on the market.

2007-12-09 23:49:50 補充:
the sentence:[Do in Rome] should be (When in Rome, do as the Romans do), which is an idiom.
參考: my knowledge
2007-12-10 2:31 am
Adverb Clause of Manner
as, as if, as though
You should pronounce this word as your teacher
pronounces it.
* "as" 意指「一如﹝完全一樣﹞」
* 上句可改為:
You should pronounce this word as your teacher does it.
I have done it as it should be done.
Do in Rome as the Romans do.﹝入鄉隨俗。﹞
He acts as if he were crazy.
* "as if"意指「恰如﹝並非完全一樣﹞」。
* "as if" 從句的動詞用假設語氣,因此用 "were"。
以前,英文文法規定,在 as if 從句中要用假設方式,例如:
It looks as if it would rain.
It looks as if it will rain.
The baby laughed as if he had understood your expression.
He speaks English as though he were an Englishman.
* "as though" 意指「恰如」。
They talked as though they had been friends for years.

參考資料: http://www.npc.edu.hk/staff/~ngtungying/english_grammar/lessons/lesson36.htm

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