聖心小學prefect 章

2007-12-05 10:54 pm
我有個小朋友吾見左個聖心小學prefect 章,學校話無得賣,小朋友好驚比先生鬧同罰,吾敢出聲。各位做下好心,吾知知吾知o向邊度有得買返呢?或者有o既話可吾可以讓比我呢?

回答 (1)

2007-12-06 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
you mean Sared Heart Canossian School ma???
If yes,I can tell you 佢5會被人罵.
Call she to talk to Miss Wong la ( Mrs Mak )
She will help you ga la~

And i think nobody will 讓 you the prefect 章~
參考: Myself

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