
2007-12-05 6:44 pm
最初的訂單06-333上的單價是us3.0/pc, 是因為那個是型號sc001, 但後來你們要求 sc002代替sc001, 所以個發票上的價格變成了us5.0/pc.

回答 (10)

2007-12-05 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear xxx

Regarding to the issue of unit price of the order number 06-333.

Please kindly note that the original price of US$3.0/pc is the price of model sc001. However, it is changed to sc002 as per your requested in the later stage which the price of sc002 is US$5.0/pc.

The final item you have ordered is sc002 NOT sc001, it is therefore the unit price shown on the invoice is US$5.0/pc in stead of US$3.0/pc.

Trust it is clear now.

Best regards

參考: ME
2007-12-06 7:53 am
The initial order form 06-333 on unit price is us3.0/pc, is because
that was model sc001, but afterwards you requests sc002 to replace
sc001, therefore on the receipt price turned us5.0/pc.
參考: me
2007-12-06 4:13 am
最初的訂單06-333上的單價是us3.0/pc, 是因為那個是型號sc001, 但後來你們要求 sc002代替sc001, 所以個發票上的價格變成了us5.0/pc.

The unit price on the initial order 06-333 is us3.0/pc, because that is type sc001, but later on you require sc002 to replace sc001, so the price on an invoice has been turned into us5.0/pc.
參考: me
2007-12-05 8:32 pm
The fee on the first ordering form 06-333 is US 3.0/pc, because that model is model sc001, but then you said you want to replace sc001 with sc002, so the price on the ordering form has changed to US5.0/pc.
參考: meself
2007-12-05 8:24 pm
Refer to your PO.06-333 on xxx (date), You had ordered sc001 at US3.0/pc. Afterward, you requested us to change the order from sc001 into sc002 on xxx (date). For your information, our sc002 is us5.0/pc.
2007-12-05 7:46 pm
The unit price for SC001 is US$3.00/pc in your initial purchase order 06-333 but you have changed the order to SC002 now so the unit price is US$5.0/pc as shown in the invoice.
參考: myself
2007-12-05 7:44 pm
最初的訂單06-333上的單價是us3.0/pc, 是因為那個是型號sc001, 但後來你們要求 sc002代替sc001, 所以個發票上的價格變成了us5.0/pc.

First order 06-333 top of the unit price is an us 3.0/pc, is that is the model number sc 001, but afterwards you request sc 002 replace sc 001, so the price of the invoice became us 5.0/pc.

翻譯在 廿一世紀的翻譯社-譯言堂 網址在下面
2007-12-05 7:13 pm
The order no. 06-333, the unit price of model SC001 is US 3.0/PC .At ___Date___,
your company requested to change the model from SC001 to SC002, and which the unit price also need to renew from US 3.0/PC to US 5.0/PC.
參考: ME
2007-12-05 6:57 pm
First order 06-333 top of the unit price is an us 3.0/pc, is that is the model number sc 001, but afterwards you request sc 002 replace sc 001, so the price of the invoice became us 5.0/pc.
參考: 我同上面個位人兄既回答一模一樣,唔係copy佢,而係copy一個網站翻譯~拿.你以後上呢個http://fy.iciba.com/咩中文轉英文,英文轉中文都可以幫到你架喇~
2007-12-05 6:52 pm
最初的訂單06-333上的單價是us3.0/pc, 是因為那個是型號sc001, 但後來你們要求 sc002代替sc001, 所以個發票上的價格變成了us5.0/pc.

First order 06-333 top of the unit price is an us 3.0/pc, is that is the model number sc 001, but afterwards you request sc 002 replace sc 001, so the price of the invoice became us 5.0/pc.

參考: ME

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