have been 後面係用咩詞呢

2007-12-05 6:04 pm
想問一下 have been 通常後面係加d 咩詞, 同埋通常係點用架呢?

咁請問會唔會have been 後加過去式呢? 例 : have been done?????之類的詞呢???? 因我覺得have been 好似已經完成左咁, 所以有呢個問題, 煩請解答,謝謝.

回答 (3)

2007-12-05 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
has/have been + verb (ing) 已發生並將會繼續
I have been working in this company for 10 years. 我已在這公司工作了10年, 並將會繼續.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years. 我與男朋友已拍拖3年, 現還在一起.

has/have + verb (past participle) 剛發生, 但沒有繼續的意思
I have worked in this company for 10 years. 我已在這公司工作了10年.
My boyfriend and I have dated for 3 years. We have just broken up. 我與男朋友已拍拖3年, 剛剛分手.

has/have been + verb (past participle) = passive voice 被動式, 剛發生, 但沒有繼續的意思
The job has been done. 工作已剛剛被完成.
The dog has been killed by the car. 隻狗剛剛被車輾死

has/have been being + verb (past participle) = passive voice 被動式, 已發生並將會繼續
This museum has been being built for 2 years. 這個博物官已動工了兩年 (未完成, 並將會繼續)
2007-12-05 8:12 pm
Indeed, "have been" is a complete plause.

But if you want to decribe an action in passive form, you can add a ppt after "have been"
2007-12-05 6:16 pm
Present continuous verb.
I have been shopping.
I have been busy.
I have been travelling.
參考: eva

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