英文信件問題 Reply compliant letter

2007-12-05 9:24 am
如果收到Compliant話: 'deliver later than agreed and our service is becoming very unraliable. 經查證後已知原因是 new transport comany unreliable 做成, 咁我是否應該以說明給客呀, 定係不用寫呢?? 以下 Letter 回應 有否需要修改 或 意見?

Having checked with our account department, it is clear that our new transport company deliver late. Apparently, the deliver late was caused during the transportation arrangement problem, and that they are unreliable.


回答 (2)

2007-12-05 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Blaming your subcontractor is unseemly and petty since your company was contracting out the service to the unreliable company in the first place. It is the responsibility of your company to use a reliable method to deliver the product.

It is the right of your company to terminate the contract with the unreliable company, just don't blame it in front of the customer.

"It has been confirmed that the shipment to your company was delivered late due to our logistic problem. Please accept our sincerely apology for any inconvenience that the situation may be caused. We are working to ensure that future shipments will be delivered in a timely manner."
2007-12-05 10:53 am
I had checked our account department. The new transport company delivery service was late. Apparently, the reason of it was because of the transport arrangement problem and they were unreliable.
參考: I am living in the UK

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