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Hermione GrangerHermione's most prominent feature is her cleverness. Hermione is book smart and is very good with logic, as seen when she deciphers Snape's potion challenge at the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Hermione does not do well at the beginning of the series in stressful situations, as seen when she does not think to use her wand when needing to create fire to get rid of the Devil's Snare. However, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, she can quickly think of a place to apparate to. She also thinks to reveal Harry to the Death Eaters to save Xenophilius Lovegood, and to use a stinging hex on Harry's face to hide his identity when attacked by Snatchers.
Hermione's name was derived from William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale;[7] Rowling claimed that she wanted it to be unusual since if fewer girls shared her name, fewer girls would get teased for it.[7] Her original last name was "Puckle", but Rowling felt the name "did not suit her at all", and so the "less frivolous" Granger made it into the books.[4] Rowling confirmed in a 2004 interview that Hermione is an only child.[8] Rowling claimed the character of Hermione carries several autobiographical influences: "Hermione is a bit like me when I was younger. I did not set out to make Hermione like me but she is a bit like me. She is an exaggeration of how I was when I was younger."[1] Rowling recalled being called a "little know-it-all" in her youth. [4] Moreover, she stated that not unlike herself, "there is a lot of insecurity and a great fear of failure" beneath Hermione's "swottiness".[1] Finally, according to Rowling, next to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione is the perfect expository character: because of her cleverness, she can always be used as a plot dump to explain the Harry Potter world.