
2007-12-05 2:30 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-05 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-12-13 11:09 am
Systemic symptoms: weight loss(10% in past 6 months), loss of appetite
Pressure symptoms: usually distending discomfort, but depends on the actual site of cancer
Local symptoms:
eg Colon cancer: blood on/mixed with stool, abdominal distension, change in bowel habit eg sometimes constipate, sometimes diarrhea
eg lung cancer: cough out blood (hemoptysis), shortness of breath due to pleural effusion
eg breast cancer: breast lump
eg liver cancer: non specific symptoms eg weight loss, loos of appetite
eg nasopharyngeal cancer: nose bleed, tinnitus (耳鳴)
eg kidney/urinary bladder cancer: blood in urine
eg stomach cancer: coffee ground vomitus
eg esophageal cancer: progressive dysphagia(difficulty in swallowing)
eg prostate cancer: difficultly in going to toilet, low back pain
Many more
The above mentioned are more specific symptoms for each different type of cancer but even if you have that cancer, it does not mean you would have that symptom, and vice versa even if you have that symptom, it does not mean you have that cancer.

Better check with your doctor.
PS. many ppl like to go for body checks but they do not know what to look for, that's why it's wiser to check for certain common diseases instead of blindly checking for unnecessary stuff while wastinr your own money!

Hope this helps
參考: MBBS 5

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