Homework of IH

2007-12-05 1:15 am
If you were the CEO of Mc'Donald Group, write some proposes to improve your business in All aspects

Give me some points, no need to write a pragraph



回答 (2)

2007-12-05 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
try this:
1. Launch a new brand of vegetarian food, such as tofu burger, fresh salads, to cater for the increasingly health conscious market.
推出素食系列, 如豆腐漢堡, 沙律, 專攻健康第一市場
2. Launch a new brand of food with Chinese characteristics, such as steamed rice and soup that are sold in some mainland fastfood chains, to cater for the taste of old people.
推出合老人家口味的食品, 像大陸快餐連鎖售賣的飯和湯.
3. Sponsor charity activities such as charity show for sick children to improve the corporate image.

2007-12-05 18:41:17 補充:
可以在每一點之下 稍為elaborate 就成為paragrah 了.
2007-12-06 2:44 am
Launching a new brand of vegetarian food will improve business because more and more people are health-conscious now. They like healthier food. I think the idea will be well received by the market as people will find ti convenient to buy healthy vegetarian food from McDonald's.

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