compard with perfect competition and monopoly

2007-12-04 10:18 pm
我想問比較佢地兩個之間的profit, 會係黠?

回答 (2)

2007-12-05 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Perfect competition does not exist. THe closest example is the stock market, but still, there isnt perfect information in the transactions. So we can't compare...and even if we have such an example, the amount of profits made can differ in different circumstances and it can be affected by factors like demand and supply. So we can never compare things in such a way. We can compare the change in total revenue made in a good though, as a result of a change in the demand, the supply, or both. These types of questions always appear in CE
2007-12-04 10:27 pm
現實無perfect competition ,所依無得比較
參考: 個人知識

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