Psotgraduate Diploma 學歷係唔係高過 Honours Degree?

2007-12-04 6:52 pm
Psotgraduate Diploma 學歷係唔係高過 Honours Degree?
香港政府 同 香港d企業又會點睇?

回答 (1)

2007-12-04 7:11 pm
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1. Psotgraduate Diploma 學歷係唔係高過 Honours Degree?
Answer: postgraduate dip. is higher than honours degree. for postgrad dip, you need to do 8 subjects after degree. honour degree means you have good result for your undergraduate degree only.

2.香港政府 同 香港d企業又會點睇?
Answer: honours degree holder dun mean anything. your employers only interested in knowing your communication, analysis and working abilities.

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