what is an equivalent decimal for 6.010?

2007-12-04 6:28 pm
what is an equivalent decimal for 6.010?

回答 (2)

2007-12-04 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
equivalent decimal for 6.010 = 6.01
2007-12-04 7:14 pm
Chen-Ho Encoding and Densely Packed Decimal
In addition to speed, another objection to the use of decimal arithmetic on computers has been storage efficiency; this can be addressed through using Chen-Ho encoding, which we will now discuss.

One form of Chen-Ho encoding allows three decimal digits to be represented in ten binary bits, which may have up to 1,024 possible different values, and which therefore can encode the 1,000 possibilities for three digits with only a little waste.

Of course, one can do this simply by converting a three-digit number to binary; but Chen-Ho encoding avoids the need for performing multiplication or even addition.

Most of the time, a decimal digit can fit into three bits, when its value is from 0 through 7. Only the two digits 8 and 9 would not fit. And three times three is nine, which is one less than ten. Could there be a way to use that extra bit to indicate that one is handling a three-digit number containing some 8s and 9s as a special case?

Let us take a three-digit number and represent its digits either as aaa, bbb, and ccc respectively, if they are from 0 through 7, or as A, B, or C respectively, if they are either 8 and 9, according to the following code:

aaa/bbb/ccc A/B/C
0 000
1 001
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
8 0
9 1

then, the following chart indicates a possible form of Chen-Ho encoding that would successfully encode all the possibilities for three digits in ten bits:

太多啦 , 呢個網仲有好多

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