HP Notebook or Toshiba Notebook 好?

2007-12-04 1:02 pm
如果所有functions 差不多, 價錢差不多, 買HP 好定買 Toshiba 好?

我從未用過HP 的Product, 但價錢上一般比其他牌子便宜, HP notebook 究竟好不好?

另外, 我對新Notebook 的要求不高, 最緊要快, 可以容許我同一時間用多個 programmes, 例如: 同一時間上網聽收音機, 用MSN (webcam), 上網Surf websites, 當然Norton Utilities 繼續運作正常. 當然不要容易壞及hang 機, 因為我是電腦白痴. 那麼部Notebook 應該要有多少 RAM, Hz, ......... 等呢?

回答 (3)

2007-12-04 3:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For me, I would choose HP, reasons as follows:

1) I used to work in a school as an IT teacher and support, HP notebooks are more durable and tend to have less problems - even they are constantly
"used" by students - while they won't take care of your PCs. Especially their battery is quite good, many of them are made by Sony (OEM) - even though they are not the fastest or the lightest.

Forget those magazine reviews in terms of reliability and durability as they will not look at how long computer equipments will last for.

I suggest you buy one with middle-priced range (above $10K) with Intel processor instead of others such as AMD - as their batteries last longer after each charge.

2) Toshiba notebooks (so as NEC) used to be pretty good in quality, but not anymore because of they need to be competitive in pricing, and they tend to have more problems - right after the warranty period - my own + my friends experience.

3) For your applications, make sure you have as much RAM as your budget allows, at least 1GB or even more, CPU should not be a big issues in your case, choose the one that suits your budget will do - don't forget in many cases, how fast your computer is depends on how you use it and maintain it.

Hope you find this information helpful :)

2007-12-04 07:56:36 補充:
Sorry forgot to tell you, I am personally using an HP notebook too! :)
2007-12-04 2:52 pm

我而家用緊samsung個部R20係專for d唔係好專業既人用
最好就自己買個mini hard disc囉!咁樣就可以放好多野喇
參考: 自己經歷
2007-12-04 1:43 pm
如果價錢同設備差不多, 不用考慮, 要Toshiba!!!

Toshiba不論是否真正日本做, 但佢產品的口碑一向不錯.


照你的要求, 基本上市面任何新買的電腦都滿足到你了, 不要浪費金錢買高級板. 建議你轉用其他防毒軟件, 不然多多RAM都唔夠. 如果真係要一個數字, 目前如果你有1GB RAM都夠用.
參考: 用家

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