for lack of點用

2007-12-04 9:07 am
可唔可以講下for lack of點用
a lack of
in lack of

回答 (1)

2007-12-04 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
for lack of .. lack 係 noun

1. ... for lack of sth --> 因為缺乏 sth , 所以 ...
e.g. The project had to be abandoned for lack of funds 工程因資金匱乏只得放棄

2. a lack of sth --> 缺乏 sth
e.g. There's been a lack of awareness about what young people like.

3. ... in lack of sth --> .. 在缺乏 sth 狀況下
e,g. A country in lack of oil ... 一個缺乏石油的國家

三者都是用lack作為 noun ,重點是你想將 lack of 放在句子的那裡,然後配上一個適當的 preposition or "a"。

lack 亦可作 verb用,

1. lack vt. 缺乏(及物動詞,後面不必任何preposition;)
e.g. The parents lacked the money to send him to university

2. lack for sth 需要某事物
e.g. He lacked for nothing 他無所需求

lack作為verb, 是不會用於被動式的
參考: Oxford Dictionary; CILL

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