starving yourself question?

2007-12-03 5:13 pm
im just asking this because i want to prove my best friend wrong.
If i starve myself by eating amost nothing( juice, little snacks) will i loose alot of weight?

i am 5'6 and 160 pounds. in a month will i start seeing my bones?
answer. thanks.

回答 (10)

2007-12-03 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Starving (or crash diet) is one of the worst thing you can do to loose weight. Take it from me, I tried every diet in the book. All I ended up was being a smaller FAT man. Everyone here were right about "starvation mode". Your body will burn your muscle for fuel, before burning your body fat. Coz, muscle requires more energy to function. You'll end up looking worse. I finally came to my senses, and went on a healthy balance diet and exercise. I lost 40+ lbs in 6 months and have been keeping it off for years.
2007-12-03 5:17 pm
nope your body will just go into starvation mode. This is when you dont eat 4 a while, then you eat something it will get stored as fat so your more likely 2 put on weight. x
2007-12-03 5:22 pm
Why don't you try doing it sensibly? At the beginning of Sept. I weighed 162. I am also 5'6".
I started exercising more, and really watching what I eat. No more fast food, no more junk. Eat fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit etc.
I weighed 135 this morning.
2007-12-03 5:20 pm
No, the weight won't come off that fast and it's not healthy. You would probably only lose about 10-20 pounds in one month, but you'll feel tired, moody, irritable because your body is starving. When you starve your body (for like a week) then the weight starts coming off because you go from eating say 2500 calories a day to like 500 and you'll lose weight. But then it'll go into starvation mode where it will start to eat up the fat more cautiously and at a slower rate, essentially because it thinks it needs to keep you alive for as long as possible. After a while it'll not only break down the fat, but muscle as well which can lead to more health problems.

You'd have to starve yourself for probably 8 months to look boney and by then you'd probably be dead.

Just watch what you're eating. If yo're motivated to prove a friend wrong for a month, just exercise. Walk more. Take the long way home from school. Walk your dog (if you have one). Eat more vegetables and fruit (which are filling and are low on calories, high on vitamins and minerals). Drink a lot of water. It'll make you feel full faster so you eat less.
2007-12-03 5:18 pm
You will lose muscle for sure, as your body will kick into starvation mode and hold onto fat, burning muscle.

If you lose weight this way you will have no muscle tone left and it's quite unhealthy.
2007-12-03 5:17 pm
Maybe not in a month but its really not healthy to find out. You can have strokes and heart attacks from starving yourself.
2007-12-03 5:18 pm
No, your body goes into "starvation mode" and makes it more difficult to lose weight. You'd probably die after a month, without losing much weight at all.
2007-12-03 5:22 pm
How about just changing the way you eat? Do not starve yourself, you will just put your body in starvation mode.
· Nothing white! No potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, bananas, oatmeal, etc…
· ALWAYS leave the last bite. Leave a bite on your plate every time you eat. This trains your mind that you are full before you finish it all
· No peanut butter
· 6 bottles of water (If you get hungry drink water before you eat!)
· No dairy (I lost 8 pounds when I gave it up)
Day 1
Whole wheat Bagel with sliced tomatoes & avacadoes on it.
Orange juice with calcium/D added
Salad with almonds and dried cranberries
Small raw carrots
Green Tea
(fill up on the fruit & carrots)
Whole wheat pasta
Marinara sauce
Romaine salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots
Fruit salad (Strawberries, melon, pineapple)
Whole wheat dinner roll with margarine
Green Tea, 100% fruit juice,
Day 2:
Fruit smoothie (only fruit, ice, & 100% fruit concentrate)
Whole Wheat toast
Veggie burger on whole wheat with Romaine, tomatoes, & sprouts.
Carrots to munch on
Green Tea
Whole wheat tortillas
Black beans
Romaine lettuce
Green Tea, 100% fruit juice,
Day 3:
A bowl of Special K with soy milk. (4 different kinds of Special K)
OJ with calcium
Vegan Boca Burger with Bush’s vegetarian beans and green beans. (Use a low or no calorie BBQ sauce for burger) No bun.
Green Tea
Stir-fry veggies w/ tofu
Yoshidas Gourmet Sauce

*Eat unlimited amounts of fruit and veggies. Also snack on nuts when you are hungry.
*Don't forget to work out every day!!!
Good Luck!
2007-12-03 5:37 pm
If you starve yourself of course you're going to lose a lot of weight. That's a given. Is it healthy??? That's a given too, no. If you go back to eating (hoping that you can and didn't develop anorexia) will you gain it back quicker than you lost it?? Another given, yes. This is a really lazy way to lose weight, and because of that you probably aren't going to get the results your looking for.

Things to consider:
1. When you are "starving" yourself your body will grab on to everything that it does get and try to hold on to it for as long as it can (giving you a bloated look). It will also try to conserve as many calories as possible and a lot of times it does this by shutting down organs (liver and kidneys first).
2. Muscle is attacked before fat when you're in starvation mode so you might end up leaner, but it won't be as good of a look as if you ate healthy and worked out.

Oh, and even by starving yourself next month you'll probably weigh about 140 lbs (this calcuation goes based on burning 2,000 calories a day, not eating anything for 30 days, and 3,000 calories equaling one lb) so no you won't start seeing your bones.
2007-12-03 5:23 pm
yes, the weight will fall off you. the theory said by emma l is crap, if you starve yourself you will lose a lot of weight pretty quickly, but your body will go into starvation mode, so anything you eat makes you look and feel bloated, and when you binge your body will store every bit of it and you'll have to spend the next few days burning it off. when you go back to eating all the weight will pile on as quickly as it burnt off from you. you are quite heavy, so i don't expect you'd see your bones that quickly. my bones are disappearing and i'm 5'6 and 100lbs, i can still see them, but not that much anymore. well if i ate on average 500 calories a day, with 700 calories burnt from exercise, i'd lose about 4 - 5lbs a week. so about 14lbs a month, taking into account a 2000 calorie binge or two.

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