有冇人知聖誕樹在X買,要便宜的and好see and電話

2007-12-04 7:19 am
有冇人知聖誕樹在X買,要便宜的and好see and電話

回答 (5)

2007-12-10 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
去深水步有得買la~~ 平到$10 - 2xx 都有,
剩~MTR~ 到深水步 -> C 出口就可以買到啦~~~
2007-12-11 5:23 am
japan house

10 dollars only is beautiful beautiful

beautiful beautiful
2007-12-11 5:17 am
參考: 自已找......
2007-12-11 2:46 am
去深水步有得買la~~ 平到$10
2007-12-09 1:52 am
You can but it everywhrer....e.g.
1)some of the shop by selling 家品....
參考: me....

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