作句Olympic Games

2007-12-04 6:17 am
Olympic Games作句

回答 (2)

2007-12-04 7:41 am
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Olympic Games which held once every five year among different countries in the world,and athletes from every countries are eager to participate in various sports.

2007-12-03 23:57:10 補充:
頭一句應該是:Olympic Games which held once four year
2007-12-05 12:29 am
1) Olympic Game is a symbol of peace
2) Beijing will hold Olympic Game in 2008
3) Olympic Games stopped in the World War Period
4) Hong Kong will assist to hold Olympic Game in 2008
5) Olympic Games generate a lot of economic benefits
6) I want to be a volunteer in the Olympic Games
7) I cannot afford to pay for a ticket to watch a football match of Olympic Games
8) The logo of Olympic Games is composed by 5 circles
9) Olympic Games will be started with a grand openning ceremony.
10) We should possess the spirit of Olympic Games.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-14 01:01:38
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