Translate to English. Please!!! urgent!!

2007-12-04 5:28 am
PLease help me translate to English.
thanks alot!

三個孩子的爸媽離婚了,他們歸媽媽照顧,不過每週有兩天可以和爸爸進餐。孩子的爸爸希望能爭取更多的相處機會,便發揮他的表演長才,男扮女裝到前妻家應徵保母。他的善解人意以及和孩子間的默契,讓他的前妻大為激賞,以為這位保母是上帝派給她的禮物,因此對他毫無防備的訴說心事。誰知在陰錯陽差的情況下,她的前妻揭穿了這個「騙局」,她生氣的趕 走前夫並竭盡所能的數落他。

回答 (2)

2007-12-04 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Three child's father and mother have divorced, they are left to their mother to look after, but there are two days in each week which they can dine with their daddy. The children’s daddy hoped can strive for more opportunity together with them, then he perform his talent, he dressed like and went to his ex-wife’s house to ask her to hire him as a nanny. His tacit understanding with his child, lets his ex-wife admire him greatly, she thought that this nanny is a gift to her from God, therefore she does not guard herself against the nanny told the nanny what she feels.Who knows in the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances situation, her ex-wife has revealed this “the fraud”, she is angry and expels the ex-husband and scolds him.
參考: MS word and I (i edited it a bit, cos' there are some errors)
2007-12-06 3:34 am
三個孩子的爸媽離婚了,他們歸媽媽照顧,不過每週有兩天可以和爸爸進餐。孩子的爸爸希望能爭取更多的相處機會,便發揮他的表演長才,男扮女裝到前妻家應徵保母。他的善解人意以及和孩子間的默契,讓他的前妻大為激賞,以為這位保母是上帝派給她的禮物,因此對他毫無防備的訴說心事。誰知在陰錯陽差的情況下,她的前妻揭穿了這個「騙局」,她生氣的趕 走前夫並竭盡所能的數落他。

The parents of three children of divorce, they return mother care, but there are two days a week and Dad can eat. The child's father hopes to win more with the opportunity to play his performances will be before long, men and women's play home to his ex-wife candidates nanny. His善解人意and tacit understanding between the children and to his ex-wife greatly excited that the nanny is God's gift to send to her, so his unsuspecting telling secrets. Little did they know in阴错阳差circumstances, her ex-wife expose this "hoax", the drive away her angry ex-husband and diligence of castigates him.
參考: Self

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