
2007-12-04 5:01 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-04 5:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try this
鞋還新的時候, 質料比較硬, 穿在腳上有點不舒服. 好像人年青時總有點執拗, 不容易屈服.
鞋穿久了, 質料漸漸變得柔軟, 像人在人生路上挨挨踫踫, 棱角會被磨平, 堅持少了, 世故多了.
多好的鞋, 總有穿破的一天, 像人生終有衰敗和盡頭.

2007-12-08 12:06 am
A pair of sports shoes

The owner treasures them when they are new, but disposes of them when they are worn out. There is nothing known as "enduring love" in life.

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