Handover of HK

2007-12-04 4:39 am
1. Why did many HK people fear the Handover before 1997?
2. Any changes in lifestyle/policies before and after 1997?Please give example.
3. Whether they prefer British rule or Chinese rule? Why?
4. Anything they can recall/ remember about the Handover/
transitional period(1982-1997)?


回答 (1)

2007-12-04 4:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Because the HK people is fear of the communist ruling.
2. There's not mucy change in lifestyle/policies before and after 1997 as we are being protected by the Basic Law as agreed by the British and Chinese Government before Handover.
3. The HK people mostly prefer the British rule as Democracy governing allows more freedom to its people than the Communist governing.
- The discussion and the set up and signing of the Basic Law for the HK people.
- The British Government refused to allow the HK people to immigrate to Britian.
- The election of the 1st Chief Executive for HK - Mr. Tung Chi Wah.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:38:05
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