
2007-12-04 4:22 am
The following information was given:(想要以下3條的中文解釋和做法)
1.only six months interest on bank loan was paid and the interest for the second half of the year 2006 was still outstanding. receivables amounting to $80000 was written off. impairmet of trade receivables is to be adjusted to $125000 at 31 December 2006. amount of $51000 for salaries and wages was outstanding at the end of the financial year.

prepare for the income statement and the balance sheet.以上是問題的其中一d內容)

回答 (1)

2007-12-04 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 大一個銀行貸款年利息, 只係比左頭半年, 尾果半年未比.
(p/l 就出左成年的interest. 果半年未比, 用accrual 記賬)

2. 應數賬 $80000, 決定收唔返~ 轉做壞脹. 餘下的應收賬, 於31/12/06, 保留只係淨返
125000. (bad debts 你識做啦)

3. 51000的人工~ 係成年都未比~ (dr salary 51000, cr accrual 51000.)

請就以上資料, 做一份, 損益表p/l, and 資產負債表 b/s.

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