UL USA跟UL Canada的分別??

2007-12-03 9:12 pm
UL USA跟UL Canada的分別??

回答 (2)

2007-12-03 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
UL is a registration system for electrical appliance. USA & Canada are different countries, so they are obviously different. In other words, for the same electrical item, even if it's already registered under USA-UL, you still have to register it again under Canada-UL if you want to sell it to Canada.
參考: me
2007-12-04 10:58 am
你會唔會攪錯咗, UL 係美國嘅標準, 如果有貨物要响加拿大出售, 呢件產品要有 CSA 安全認証, 淨係得 UL 唔可以响加拿大出售.

請參閱 CSA 官方網站

參考: 來自加國

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