
2007-12-03 10:36 am

墨西哥算唔算係一個經濟落後的地方.....compare to USA........

佢係 91年的經濟狀況與社會狀況好嗎??

唔要wikipedia ........我睇過la.......thx

回答 (2)

2007-12-08 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Mexican economy suffered a severe breakdown in 1982, which had long-lasting consequences. Before that, from the early 1930s, economic growth was constant (although in 1953, the economy was stagnant at current prices). The GDP in 1982 declined by 0.6 percent and in 1983, the GDP lost an additional 4.2 percent. This deterioration came immediately after a period of economic boom; growth averaged 8.4 percent between 1978 and 1981, a rate of growth that had been achieved only sporadically in the long period of economic growth that prevailed during and following World War II, when annual GDP growth averaged between 6 and 7 percent.
Prior to December 1994, the Mexican government based its international economic policy on a strategy of exchange rate pegging. This strategy committed the government to keeping the dollar value of the Mexican peso inside a preannounced target zone and forced it to intervene in the foreign exchange market whenever market forces threatened to push the peso exchange rate out of the zone. These interventions involved buying or selling financial assets payable in dollars or other internationally convertible currencies. A serious problem for exchange rate pegging strategies is that if the market forces pushing the exchange rate lower are sufficiently strong and persistent, the government's rate-defending asset sales eventually exhaust its foreign exchange reserves. This is precisely the situation that Mexico faced in the last two months of 1994, when the bottom dropped out of the peso market.
For Mexico, the devaluation of the peso marked the beginning of a severe and persistent economic recession. By the end of 1995, Mexican real (inflation adjusted) GDP had fallen by 7 percent, and the unemployment rate had increased from a pre-crisis level of 4 percent to approximately 7 percent. A large number of private firms have failed, and the Mexican government has been able to pay its debts only because of financial aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the governments of the United States and Canada ($25 billion dollars' worth to date). Domestic and foreign confidence in the prospects for the Mexican economy has been shaken severely.
希望解答到你 ^^
2007-12-08 5:10 am

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