how to know tat's a CD burner or DVD burner?

2007-12-03 7:25 am
how to know tat's a CD burner or DVD burner? a DVD burner can burn CD? i don't know how to identify the types of burner..
Is DVD rom a DVD burner? What's mean "Compact Disc Rewriteable"? so confuse!!! Please HELP ME.... PLEASE!!!!!!

回答 (5)

2007-12-03 7:38 am
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Hi Peggy!

It is usually very easy to tell if you have a CD or a DVD drive. If you look at the front of the drive you will see the letters CD or DVD. If it only says CD, then what you have is a CD drive. If it says DVD, then you have a DVD drive. If it says DVD/CD then you have a combo drive.

And yes, a DVD burner drive can burn CD's too. It's made to do that as well as burning DVD's.

No, a DVD ROM is not a DVD burner. ROM - means read only, so it will only read discs, not burn them.

A "Compact Disc Re-Writeable" is actually the long form of the letters CD-RW. CD = Compact Disc. RW = Re-Writeable, which means that if you were using CD-RW discs, then you could use each disc more than once by erasing that disc if you no longer want what is on it...

Anything else you would like to know??
2007-12-03 7:49 am
Hi Peggy -

If the CD or DVD drive is in your PC there are free programs that will tell you exactly what ya got.

For example, SysSpec.exe should gve you basic info on your drives - both hard drives and CD/DVDs.

Hope that is help!
2007-12-03 7:39 am
If the drive says CD-R or DVD-R it is able to burn to the specified format. A rewriteable compact disk is simply what it says, you can record to it and add to it later, or completely erase everything that is on it and start fresh!
2007-12-03 7:37 am
When you see a Cd rom from the front side & on the front if u see DVD RW it means its a DVD writwer, a DVD writer can burn(data can be written)&run CD as well as DVD.

If the CD Rom has CD rewriteable written on it then it is a CD burner.
Same with DVD burner.

DVD rom is not a DVD burner.

Compact Disk Reweiteable means if:
Its written on a cd the the CD can be burn multiple times.
Its written on CD rom then you can burn CD on them.

Earlier CD roms didn't had CD burning capacity now they are shipped with the machine.
2007-12-03 7:35 am
Okay..a cd player...plays cd's only..a cd burner..burns cd's..and reads them

a dvd player..reads dvd's..a dvd burner burns dvd's

when it says cd-rw..
that mean cd can go over the same disk

and when it says dvd-rw
that means dvd rewritable..which means you can rewrite over the current disk

this is the best one

.that's all of them put together
cd burner cd reader dvd burner dvd reader
i hope this helps.
good luck!
參考: me

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