X-ray tube(10點)

2007-12-03 7:58 am
in X-ray tube,electrons emitted from filament cathode 以高速擊打 heavy metal with high melting point,which acts as anode.點解d electrons會立刻減速(減kenetic energy)來轉換成x-ray when hitting the metal,而不是繼續以高速pass through the heavy metal and the circuit?

x-ray tube的結構我不說了


回答 (1)

2007-12-09 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
the fast-moving electrons hit on the metal and decelarate on the metal. the energy on the fast-moving electrons transferred to the electrons on the heavy metal. the electrons on the metal will excite to a higher energy state and jump back down to its ground state via a series of transitions. X-ray will be emitted when they come back to their ground state. as these heavy metal has closely packed structure, electrons can only strick on that. even gramma ray will decline its half radation after passing through such heavy metal.

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