
2007-12-03 2:28 am
i am now doing a research...
i made an online-questinnaire about leather.....
my target is 100..but until now..there are not so many people who are interested in..
do anyone know how to promate this link to others??


please help...........please send a few mins to complete it.thanks much..thanks:)

thanks so much for your advices..i will try to put it in other areas...and propose the possible time...thanks ar:) so admire that you got a master level..it means that you have good knowledge..:) thanks

回答 (1)

2007-12-03 4:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
just fill the questionaire
i hope it can help
above ur answer :
在 yahoo 每個類別貼一篇吧,也許沒甚麼人要有回應,但起碼我就是其中一個!
第二,清楚寫出共有幾多題題目,大約花幾多分鐘(ur mention is few mins,but i spent over 15 mins to complete) eg.. u better say about 6-12 mins, that make others 有個底。否則答了一半、或答完第一頁就怕再答下去。

2007-12-11 01:11:40 補充:
參考: 也歡迎你到我blog支持我^^ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/iamtrance

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