英文(返) 譯...........(20分)

2007-12-03 1:16 am
請問下列怎樣(返) 譯:



回答 (4)

2007-12-03 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I study in the same school with my younger brother.
2. How can (we / I / you) improve (our / my / your) English?

2007-12-02 17:24:33 補充:
or...1. My younger brother and I study in the same school.
2007-12-04 12:26 am


(1)My younger brother and I are that the same school studied.

(2)How to just learn English well?
參考: 二氧化碳數學小天才
2007-12-03 3:24 am
(1) My brother and I study in the same school.

(2) How can we learn English?
參考: me
2007-12-03 1:22 am
1) my brother and i are in the same school.
2) how to learn english effectively?

2007-12-02 17:24:27 補充:
1) my younger brother and i are studying in the same school

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