
2007-12-03 1:08 am

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2007-12-03 1:15 am
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在北美、歐洲以及亞洲的大部分音樂殿堂表演之後,年僅20歲的郎朗以其對於音樂超凡的鑒賞能力以及才華橫溢的表演贏得了全世界觀衆的喝采,同時,他也爲自己贏得了當代最令人振奮的藝術家之名。郎朗的才華與其熱情奔放的性情相得益彰,使他成爲了古典音樂最理想的詮釋者和年輕人心中的榜樣。CNN及 CBS電視臺播出郎朗的專題報道。另外,《華爾街日報》及《Teen People》雜誌也以「20大將改變世界的青年」為題寫了郎朗的報道。






1997年:進入美國費城著名的科蒂斯音樂學院(The Curtis Institute of Music),並跟隨該院院長格拉夫曼(Gary Graffman)學習並於2002年,完成音樂學院的學習。


2001年:4月,郎朗在紐約卡內基音樂大廳的首演叫好又叫座,由Yuri Temirkanov指揮下,與巴爾蒂摩交響樂團(Baltimore Symphony)合作,演奏了葛利格協奏曲,贏得全場喝采。同年6月,爲了慶祝費城樂團成立100周年,郎朗來到了北京,與這樂團以及指揮薩瓦利希(Sawallisch)爲人民大會堂的8000名觀衆表演。8月,郎朗在倫敦BBC逍遙音樂節上作首演,演奏了拉赫曼尼諾夫第三鋼琴協奏曲。倫敦泰晤士報這樣稱讚他:“郎朗旋風般的演奏,席捲了全場爆滿的皇家阿爾伯特大廳,這是歷史性的創舉。”

2001/2002樂季:郎朗與指揮家Christoph Eschenbach合作無間,包括與紐約愛樂樂團和倫敦愛樂樂團的一連串巡迴演出。而在歐洲巡迴演出時,他則與漢堡的NDR交響樂團合作。此外,郎朗與NHK交響樂團與指揮迪圖瓦(Charles Dutoit)的演奏被收錄於NHK的電視臺節目,並在日本全國公開播放。同時,NHK也播出了他與紐約愛樂樂團的演奏。郎朗的獨奏音樂會曾經在倫敦皇家節日大廳、華盛頓甘乃迪中心音樂大廳以及巴黎交響音樂大廳舉辦。12月份,郎朗在費城樂團的音樂大廳做最後一周閉館音樂會的紀念演奏,此次的指揮由薩瓦利希擔任。

2002年:7月份,在Schleswig-Holstein Festival上,郎朗榮獲伯恩斯坦藝術成就大獎,該獎項是爲職業藝術家而設立,而郎朗是世界上第一位享此殊榮的。在拉維尼亞音樂節上,郎朗曾經用一周的時間表演了五場音樂會,其中包括與芝加哥交響樂團的兩場協奏曲演出、一場獨奏音樂會、與Christoph Eschenbach合作的舒伯特二重奏音樂會以及與他父親郎國任合奏的中國傳統音樂演奏會。﹝郎朗的父親是一位二胡演奏家﹞

2002/2003樂季:在亞洲巡迴演出之前,郎朗又再次與紐約愛樂樂團與指揮家Lorin Maazel於紐約合作演出。在蘇黎世交響音樂大廳,他與克利夫蘭樂團(Cleveland Orchestra)共同演奏。在中西部之行之中,郎朗與指揮家Franz Welser-Möst合作,後來亦共同出席維也納音樂節。此外,郎朗還與洛杉磯愛樂樂團與指揮Zubin Mehta、舊金山交響樂團與指揮Michael Tilson Thomas、匹茲堡交響樂團與Mariss Jansons等合作。在the Academy of Music's 周年音樂會及舞會上,郎朗還和費城樂團與Wolfgang Sawallisch同台表演。
同時,與郎朗合作過的樂團還包括:聖路易斯交響樂團、巴的摩爾交響樂團、辛辛那提交響樂團、底特律交響樂團、多倫多交響樂團、溫哥華交響樂團、北卡羅來那交響樂團以及聖彼得室樂團。他的獨奏會在全美國上演,從安克雷奇(Anchorage)到華盛頓,還包括一些其他的國際大都市,比如倫敦、慕尼黑、米蘭、上海、北京、Bamberg、Gothenburg、里斯本、鹿特丹、斯德哥爾摩、聖彼得堡、瓦倫西亞(Valencia)、蘇黎世、河內以及漢城。另外,郎朗所參加過的音樂節包括Aspen、Tanglewood、Verbier、Schleswig-Holstein和the Ruhr Piano Festival。

2003年:郎朗加入了德意志唱片公司(DG),並在二月錄製了自己的首張專輯。專輯之中收錄了他與芝加哥交響樂團以及指揮家巴倫邦合作演奏的柴可夫斯基和孟德爾遜的第一鋼琴協奏曲。 2003/2004樂季:在BBC逍遙音樂節的開幕式音樂會上,郎朗在英國皇家阿爾伯特音樂大廳,將與指揮Leonard Slatkin合作演繹柴可夫斯基第一鋼琴協奏曲;與芝加哥交響樂團及指揮巴倫邦爲該樂團樂季作開幕式演奏;與柏林愛樂樂團以及指揮Simon Rattle爲該樂團樂季閉幕式演奏(郎朗是第一位與這個樂團合作的中國鋼琴家)。
郎朗還會在紐約卡內基音樂大廳、the Berlin Philharmonie、the Vienna Konzerthaus作首演,另外,他將會與波士頓交響樂團、費城樂團、紐約愛樂樂團、克利夫蘭樂團、洛杉磯愛樂樂團、華盛頓國家交響樂團、巴黎樂團、以色列愛樂樂團以及羅馬的“ Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia”演出。隨後,他會到中國作五場的巡迴演出,其中包括在北京中國愛樂樂團新樂季開幕式音樂會上的演出。
參考: me
2007-12-03 1:19 am
1982 Born in Shenyang, China, Lang Lang begins his piano studies at the age of three with Professor Zhu Ya-Fen from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music.

1987 Wins first prize in the Shenyang Piano Competition after which he gives his first public recital. In the coming years he takes first prize in the Fifth Xing Hai Cup Piano Competition in Beijing, first prize and “outstanding artistic performance" in the Fourth International Young Pianists Competition in Germany and first prize at the Tchaikovsky International Young Musicians Competition held in 1995 in Japan.

1991 Enters the Central Music Conservatory in Beijing, where he studies with Professor Zhao Ping-Guo.

1995 Plays the complete Chopin Etudes in the Beijing Concert Hall.1996 In September, performs as one of the soloists at the inaugural concert of the China National Symphony, which President Jiang Ze-Min attends as guest of honour.
1997 Begins studies with Gary Graffman at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, which he concludes in 2002.

1999 Decisive career breakthrough in August with his dramatic last-minute substitution for an indisposed André Watts at the Ravinia Festival's “Gala of the Century", playing the First Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

2001 Makes sold-out Carnegie Hall debut in April to great critical acclaim playing the Grieg Concerto with the Baltimore Symphony under Yuri Temirkanov. In June Lang Lang travels to Beijing with the Philadelphia Orchestra and Wolfgang Sawallisch for a tour celebrating the orchestra's 100th anniversary, during which he performs to an audience of 8000 at the Great Hall of the People. BBC Proms debut in August, playing Rachmaninov's Third Concerto - The Times of London's critic writes: “Lang Lang took a sold-out Albert Hall by storm ... This could well be history in the making."

2003 Makes his first recording for Deutsche Grammophon in February: the Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn First Concertos, with Daniel Barenboim conducting the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (released in 2003, Echo Award 2004). Festival appearances include performing the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto at the opening concert of the BBC Proms with Leonard Slatkin at the Royal Albert Hall, as well as Mostly Mozart (for the first time), Aspen, Tanglewood (with the Boston Symphony), Ravinia (with the Chicago Symphony), Saratoga (with the Philadelphia Orchestra), Blossom (with the Cleveland Orchestra), Verbier, Schleswig-Holstein and the Ruhr Piano Festival. In November Lang Lang makes his triumphant Carnegie Hall recital debut, recorded live by Deutsche Grammophon and released on CD, SACD and DVD

2004 His orchestral appearances include the Los Angeles Philharmonic (Marin Alsop), London Philharmonic (Vladimir Jurowski), Orchestre de Paris (Eschenbach), Berlin Staatskapelle (Barenboim), Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre (Gergiev) and, in June, Berliner Philharmoniker (closing-night concert of the season), with Sir Simon Rattle at the Waldbühne. Takes up his duties as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador with a visit to Tanzania. Summer includes a concert tour of Australia and New Zealand, as well as festival appearances in Ravinia and Verbier. Makes his recital debut at the Berlin Philharmonie in May and a coast-to-coast US recital tour in November. Honoured with the German Echo Award as “Instrumentalist of the Year”. His Carnegie Hall Recital album enters the German pop charts and is awarded an Amadeus Music Award in 2005.
2007-12-03 1:16 am
Lang Lang (Chinese: 郎朗; pinyin: Láng Lǎng) (born June 14, 1982) is a virtuoso pianist of Manchu ancestry from Shenyang in Liaoning, China.

Early Years

Lang Lang was two years old when he saw Tom playing piano in The Cat Concerto, a Tom and Jerry cartoon on TV (Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C-sharp minor composed by Franz Liszt). According to Lang Lang, this first contact to Western music was what motivated him to learn piano.[1] He began lessons at age three with Professor Zhu Ya-Fen. At the age of five, he won the Shenyang Piano Competition and played his first public recital.[2]

When he was nine years old, Lang Lang was nearing his audition for Beijing's Central Conservatory of Music, but he had difficulties with his lessons, and was expelled from his piano tutor's studio for lack of talent.[3] His music teacher at his state school noticed Lang Lang's sadness, and decided to comfort him by playing a record of Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 10 in C Major, K. 330; she asked him to play with the slow movement. This reminded Lang of his love of the instrument. "Playing the K. 330 brought me hope again," recalled Lang years later. [3]

Lang finally entered the Conservatory, studying under Professor Zhao Ping-Guo. In 1993, Lang won the Xing Hai Cup Piano Competition in Beijing, being awarded first prize for outstanding artistic performance at the Fourth International Young Pianists Competition in Germany the next year.[2] In 1995, at 13 years of age, he played the Op. 10 and Op. 25 Chopin Etudes, at Beijing Concert Hall and, in the same year, won first place at the Tchaikovsky International Young Musicians' Competition in Japan[2], playing Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra in a concert broadcast by NHK Television.[4] At 14 he was a featured soloist at the China National Symphony's inaugural concert, which was broadcast by CCTV and attended by President Jiang Zemin.[5] The following year he began studies with Gary Graffman and Dick Doran at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. His most recent published work is the piano work for the score of the movie The Painted Veil.[2]

Performing and recording career

Lang Lang's breakthrough in the West came in 1999, when he was 17, with his last-minute substitution (introduced by Isaac Stern) for an indisposed André Watts at the Ravinia Festival's "Gala of the Century", in which he played Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Christoph Eschenbach).[2] As of 2007, Lang Lang has performed with most of the major orchestras of the world.[4]

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