
2007-12-02 11:26 pm
在shrek這套電影裏,有眾多的人物, 但說到我最喜歡的人物一定是史力加。為什麼呢?首先說一說我為何不太十分喜歡其他人物先吧!我覺得費安娜公主她的行為太過粗老,她是一位公主,言語上面應該要溫柔一點,我不太喜歡她太過注重自己的樣貌了,她知道自己到了太陽下山的時候,就會變成十分肥和樣子好像怪物的人.於是要國王一定要在太陽下山前迎娶她。而驢子,雖然他十分可愛。但我覺得他,太怕事了.記得一有幕,講述他和史力加一起去拯救公主,要經過一道''掉''橋,他很怕過,怕自己會掉落下,會死。科格親王,我十分不喜歡他.我覺得他好自私和很怕死,為了自己能成為國王.就要史力加去找費安娜公主和他結婚。他知道要救到費安娜公主一定要打敗那隻噴火龍,所以叫了史力加和驢去.而且我覺得他很令人討厭的,他為了追求完美他企圖清除在他的王國裏的童話故事裏的動物消滅。我十分喜歡史力加,因為他很勇敢,不怕任何困難,都去拯救公主.雖然他知道自己不一定能打勝噴火龍,他也會嘗試去做.

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2007-12-03 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
In shrek this set of movie, has the multitudinous characters, but speaks of the character who I most like is certainly Shi Lijia.Why? First says why I not do like other characters too extremely first! I thought Princess Fei Anna her behavior too crosses the tough, she is a princess, spoken language above should want gently, I not too liked her too crossing pay great attention to own appearance, she knew oneself arrived the sun descended a mountain, can turn ten divides the spoils the human who resembled the monster with the appearance. Front therefore wants king certainly to have to descend a mountain in sun gets married her. But donkey, although he is extremely lovable. But I think he, too was afraid of getting into trouble. As soon as remembers has the curtain, narrates him and Shi Lilia saves princess together, must pass through a hanging bridge, he is afraid the advance, under feared oneself can fall, can die. Branch standard crown prince, I do not like him extremely. I thought he quite selfish and is afraid the death very much, in order to own can become king. Wants Shi Lilia to look for Princess Fei Anna and he marries. He knew must rescue to Princess Fei Anna must certainly defeat that only to spurt the procession of lanterns, therefore has been called Shi Lilia and the donkey goes. Moreover I think he very loath fully, he in order to pursue is perfect he to attempt to eliminate in his kingdom fairy tale story animal elimination. I like Shi Lilia extremely, because he is very brave, did not fear any difficulty, all saves princess. Although he knew oneself not necessarily can win a victory spurts the procession of lanterns, he also can attempt does.
參考: me

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