
2007-12-02 11:22 pm
A UN envoy hoped to meet Myanmar's top two military leaders Monday to persuade them to ease a violent crackdown on anti-government protesters, a day after the junta unexpectedly allowed him to meet detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Authorities , meanwhile , said foreign governments were partly to blame for the crisis that has engulfed the country.

The main city of Yangon has been flooded with troops during UN special envoy lbrahim Gambari's visit , with about 20,000 soldiers and police cruising around in trucks and deployed on street corners , ensuring that only a few die-hard demonstrators remained outside


以上兩段分開是因為問題只允許500字~請把兩段合起來翻譯~還有!!!!請不要用翻譯機翻譯 ~因為翻譯機翻的不好~補充一點!!!!我看不太懂簡體字~所以儘量用繁體中文翻譯給我!!謝謝

回答 (3)

2007-12-03 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
聯合國使節希望遇見緬甸的名列前茅二軍事領導星期一說服他們緩和猛烈鎮壓在反政府抗議者,一天在會議以後意想不到地允許他遇見被扣留的反對派領導人昂山素姬。 當局,同時,認為外國政府部分是由於吞噬了國家的危機責備。主要城市仰光在街道充斥了與隊伍在聯合國特使lbrahim Gambari的參觀期間,當大約20,000戰士和警察巡航在卡車開始部署了,保證幾個頑固示威者保持外面 。
參考: a website
2007-12-04 1:46 am
A UN envoy hoped to meet Myanmar's top two military leaders Monday to persuade them to ease a violent crackdown on anti-government protesters, a day after the junta unexpectedly allowed him to meet detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Authorities , meanwhile , said foreign governments were partly to blame for the crisis that has engulfed the country.


The main city of Yangon has been flooded with troops during UN special envoy lbrahim Gambari's visit , with about 20,000 soldiers and police cruising around in trucks and deployed on street corners , ensuring that only a few die-hard demonstrators remained outside.

參考: 希望可以幫到你啦~~
2007-12-03 1:40 am


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