求英文book report一份

2007-12-02 10:41 pm
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2007-12-02 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Book: Holes
Author: Louis Sachar,
number of pages: 219

About this book:
Stanley Yelnat’s luck just ran out, and whenever it did, he would blame his no-good-dirty-rotten -pig-stealing-great- great-grandfather, just like his father and his grandfather. He was overweight, often laughed by other kids, and was bullied by a kid even smaller than him. His family’s history is of nothing but bad luck. That day, a kid threw his notebook inside a toilet, and when he walked the way back home with his sopping wet notebook, a pair of stolen sneakers fell out of the sky. Since his father was doing an experiment for recycling old sneakers, Stanley ran all the way back home, thinking the sneakers would help his father. But then, his luck ran out again, and the police caught him and accused him of stealing the sneakers. Stanley was innocent, of course, and he was sent to Camp Green Lake, a place where they say is to train bad boys to good. There, they had to dig a hole a day, five feet deep and five feet wide.
When Stanley found something interesting, the other boys showed it to the Warden and she liked it. Then Stanley found out the truth, the Camp wasn’t to train bad boys, the truth was that the Warden was looking for something. Stanley and his new found friend, Zero, got first time lucky, and found something that their family would never blame their great-great-grandfat her ever again.

This story is absolutely interesting, and will keep the reader absorbed in this story. It is full of exciting adventures, following each after another.
My favourite character in this story is Zero. He is a boy with a great character. He is not afraid of suffering. He is a boy who doesn’t like to talk but can be very funny when he does.

difficult words:blame,innocent, requested,agents,adopt

Book: Skeleton Key
Author: Anthony Horowitz
number of pages:196

About this book:
Alex Rider is a reluctant teenage spy. He had found out his uncle was a spy before him, and now Alex is hired by MI6. This time, he was requested by CIA to work for them. He was to act like a child of two CIA agents, and enter an island called Skeleton Key with them. The agents had told him they knew a man called Sarov who bought uranium from a Salesman. They were wondering what he was doing with the uranium, so they were investigating this case. Later, Alex found out the CIA agents weren’t telling him the truth. Actually, they found out Sarov had a nuclear bomb and they wanted to find out what he was doing with it. Unlucky, while trying to enter Sarov’s home, the two agents got killed by some machines. Alex himself was caught by Sarov. Surprisingly, Sarov treated him like a guest. He told him stories of his own child which had fought for his country in the army and died. He also told Alex he didn’t like new Russia; he liked the country which had served him well once - old Russia. He wanted to blow up a hole in the Kola Peninsula and show the world the power of Russia. He said he wanted to adopt Alex. At first, Alex thought he was insane, but he saw that he was serious. He tried all kinds of ways to escape and warn his own country. Luckily, MI6 found traces of him and went to help him. At last, Sarov couldn’t bear the pain of not being a father to Alex, and committed suicide. Alex was then safely escorted back to England.

This book is absolutely fascinating, and almost every page contains exciting actions. It is a very interesting book which would at once absorb the reader into it.
My favourite character in this book is Alex. He is brave and courageous, daring to risk any chance for escape.
I would recommend this book to people who like excitement and adventures.

difficult words:reluctant,hired, requested,agents,adopt
2007-12-02 10:55 pm
Title : George’s Marvelous Medicine
Author : Roald Dahl
This story is about George Kranky, Mr Killy Kranky , Mrs Kranky,Grandma. George Kranky is fed up of his Grandma's testiness to cure it by brewing a special medicine to cure her, only to end up making his Grandma as tall as a house. George's father who is a farmer.He has an idea of making more of George's medicine to make his animals bigger and fatter. Unlucky, George could not remember the formula; after many failed experiment, involving some chickens, they create a formula which makes things become bigger .The nasty Grandma, feeling without respect, thinks that the medicine is her tea and drinks all of it, shrinking to nothingness, and complaining all the time.
I like reading this book because the story is very funny and interesting. There are also many beautiful pictures in this book. There are one hundred pages in this book. I have used four hours to finish.
參考: me
2007-12-02 10:52 pm
Name of book :Wildlife in Danger
Publisher: Steve Parker
My feelings:
After reading this book, I think the wildlife is very poor. Because they face 8 problems that threat their life .Include ecosystem, extinct, environment, habitat, herbicide, pesticide, pollutant and predators but some of the problems are not naturally make by, they are by human. The habitat loss is and good example to show the problems that is making by human. Such as tropical rainforests, the people crop down the valuable hardwood trees as timber. It makes the animals have no adapted habitat to live .Then, they will become danger. So it can not preserve the original ecosystem .In this book ,I can learn more about nature .If you also want to try this book ,you can borrow it in the library.
predator 食肉動物
參考: 我

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