
2007-12-02 9:42 pm

回答 (3)

2007-12-02 9:58 pm
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The English word mummy is derived from medieval Latin mumia, a borrowing of the Persian or Arabic word mūmiyyah (مومية), which means "bitumen". (Because of the blackened skin of bitumen was once thought to be used extensively in ancient Egyptian embalming procedures. Asphalt and tar are forms of bitumen.)

Main Entry: 1mum·my
Pronunciation: 'm&-mE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural mummies
Etymology: Middle English mummie powdered parts of a mummified body used as a drug, from Anglo-French mumie, from Medieval Latin mumia mummy, powdered mummy, from Arabic mumiya bitumen, mummy, from Persian mum wax
1 a : a body embalmed or treated for burial with preservatives in the manner of the ancient Egyptians b : a body unusually well preserved
2 : one resembling a mummy
2007-12-02 9:48 pm
It is 源自阿拉伯語
2007-12-02 9:47 pm
(源自阿拉伯語 mumiya 涂香油的屍体<波斯語 mum 蜡)

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