
2007-12-02 8:05 pm
FreeLotto NEVER sends JUNK or SPAM messages. We never send mail to anyone unless they requested it when they registered. If you somehow didn't understand that you were agreeing to receive messages from us at the time you joined PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST. In doing so you will also cancel your FreeLotto membership and you will no longer be eligible to play FreeLotto or receive up to $11,000,000.00 in daily prizes. We regret any inconvenience.

回答 (7)

2007-12-02 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
FreeLotto從不傳送任何垃圾訊息或惡意訊息. FreeLotto從不傳送電郵(可能是指該公司給顧客的最新資訊)給任何人, 除非他們在註冊時要求. 當你加入FreeLotto時即代表你同意接收來自FreeLotto的訊息, 如果你對此不明白, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST.(請點擊這裡, 你的名字會被永久剔除) 當你這樣做的時候, 你同時刪除你的FreeLotto會藉以及你再也不能玩FreeLotto或接受高達11000000元的的每日獎金. 不便之處敬請原諒.

請問你是從哪裡看到這個條款, 以及什麼是FreeLotto? 因為內文似乎有點矛盾, 未知背景的情況下我只能直譯, 如果你能提供更多資訊的話, 我可以為這再翻譯一個更好的版本.
參考: 自己
2007-12-02 9:07 pm
自由的樂透數卡牌戲絕不傳遞毒品或者電子垃圾廣告詞句.咱們絕不傳遞電郵去任何人除非他們懇求它幾時他們登記過的.如果你設法不要知道那你如同意見相合去receive messages from us at the time you joined PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST. In doing so you will also cancel your Free Lotto membership and you will no longer be eligible to play Free Lotto or receive up to $11,000,000.00 in daily prizes. We regret any inconvenience.
2007-12-02 8:35 pm
FreeLotto從來都唔會發垃圾或垃圾郵件既信息。除非佢地要求要發電郵比任何人,否則我地係唔會咁做ga! 如果你暫時有d唔明關於同意去由我地去接收信息既話,,請你禁PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST(永久移除地我們的名單)。
禁左既話,你亦都會取消左你個FreeLotto會員資格同埋你唔可以去玩FreeLotto或得到每日獎金$11,000,000.00. 我地會為呢d既不便之處而感到後悔。

2007-12-02 8:33 pm
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2007-12-02 8:31 pm
以下, 我用粗體字, 代表英文上的BLOCK LETTER
另外, 斜體字, 加上(括號), 括號內的字, 英文無寫, 只是自己因為完整起見, 先至加上去

FreeLotto 永遠不會寄出垃圾信息. 我們永遠不會寄出郵件給其他人, 除非當他們註冊時有要求. 如果你不明白你為何在參加時, 已同意接收我們發出的郵件, 請按此處, 以便在我們的表中永久除去你的名字. 如果這樣做, 你將同時除消你的FreeLotto會籍, 或者取得$11,000,000.00 的每日獎項(機會). 如有不便, 我們在此致歉.

參考: 自己
2007-12-02 8:22 pm
FreeLotto NEVER sends JUNK or SPAM messages. We never send mail to anyone unless they requested it when they registered. If you somehow didn't understand that you were agreeing to receive messages from us at the time you joined PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST. In doing so you will also cancel your FreeLotto membership and you will no longer be eligible to play FreeLotto or receive up to $11,000,000.00 in daily prizes. We regret any inconvenience.

FreeLotto從未傳送破爛物或SPAM信息。 我們從未寄發郵件到任何人,除非他們請求它,當他們登記了。 如果你不莫名其妙地瞭解你同意從我們當時收到消息你加入了這裡請點擊從我們的名單永久地被去除。 在這種情況下你也將取消你的FreeLotto會員資格,并且你不再將是合格演奏FreeLotto或接受$11,000,000.00在每日獎。 我們後悔不便任何。
2007-12-02 8:19 pm
FreeLottoJUNK或者到垃圾邮件绝对不发送消息。 如果登记了的时候,他们没要求那个,我们给谁绝对也不发送邮件。 如果总算没理解从我们那儿当时,接收消息赞同的,你加入了为PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST。 那样做放置,同时,你取消FreeLotto会员资格,已经在每天的奖的1100万.是不是到00美元玩,或FreeLotto接收不适合吧。 我们怎样的不便也后悔


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