story about GREEK PAINTERS....?

2007-12-01 7:02 pm

there is a story of two Greek painters who competed to find out which one of them can paint more realistic. one pf them painted a bowl of fruit and the other painted a bowl of fruited partly concealed by a curtain. the other painter did not realised that it was only painted and thought that the painting has not been finished.
does anyone know the names of these 2 painters???

thanks a bunch!! :D

回答 (3)

2007-12-01 8:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
look here

Zeuxis & Parrhassius
2007-12-03 2:45 pm
Zeuxis of Heraclea and Parrhasius of Ephesus and later Athens painters in the 5th century BC, are reported four hundred years later in the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder to have staged a contest to determine which of the two was the greater artist. When Zeuxis unveiled his painting of grapes, they appeared so luscious and inviting that birds flew down from the sky to peck at them. Zeuxis then asked Parrhasius to pull aside the curtain from his painting, only for Parrhasius to reveal the curtain itself was a painting, and Zeuxis was forced to concede defeat. Zeuxis is rumoured to have said: 'I have deceived the birds, but Parrhasius has deceived Zeuxis.' In other words, while his work had managed to fool the eyes of birds, Parrhasius' work had deceived the eyes of an artist.
2007-12-03 2:12 pm
dear u can find it in this adress although im in chemistry

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