中2mathz ,,5該幫幫忙

2007-12-02 7:20 am
1)Sam uses a ruler with 0.1 cm marking to measure the length and the width of an Octopus Card.He finds that the length and the wdth are 8.5cm and 5.4 cm respectively.
a)Find the lower limit and upper limit of length and the width.
b)If these two measurements are used to calculate the area of the card,find the maximum absolute error of the area and the percentage error of the area(correct to 3 sig.fig)

回答 (2)

2007-12-02 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) maximum absolute error = 0.1/2 = 0.05 cm
lower limit of length = 8.5 - 0.05
= 8.45
upper limit of length = 8.5 + 0.05
= 8.55
lower limit of length = 5.4 - 0.05
= 5.35
upper limit of length = 5.4 + 0.05
= 5.45
b) maximum absolute error = (0.1/2) * (0.1/2)= 0.025 cm

percentage error can not be found

2007-12-01 23:51:25 補充:
a) maximum absolute error of length = 0.1/2 = 0.05 cmb) maximum absolute error of area = (0.1/2) * (0.1/2)= 0.025 cm

2007-12-02 00:12:02 補充:
just the maximum absolute error can be foundmaximum absolute error = masimum relative error * 100% = maximum absolute error / measured value * 100% = 0.025 / ( 8.5 * 5.4 ) = 0.0545 %
2007-12-02 7:31 am
a, lower limit length:8.49cm
upper limit length :8.51cm
b,absolute error :0.01cm
percentage error :0.02%
參考: my

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