1 question of f.2

2007-12-02 7:14 am
1)May tells her classmate James that her new watch is very accurate.The percentage error of the time measured is only 0.1%.James tells May in return that the error of his watch is only 0.5 second per day.
ai)What kind of error is James talking about,is it absolute error or relative error?
ii)Find the percentage error of Jame's watch in measuring time,correct to 1 sig.fig.
b)Comparing May's watch with Jame's watch,which one is more accurate?

回答 (1)

2007-12-05 10:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
James is talking about relative error.

The percentage error of James' watch in measuring time
= [0.5/(60x60x24)] x 100%
= 0.000578...%
= 0.0006% (1 sig.fig.)
The percentage error of Jame's watch in measuring time is 0.0006%.

James' watch is more accurate. It is because the percentage error of James' watch in measuring time is less than that of May's.

If there is a mistake, please inform me.
參考: My Maths knowledge

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