Runescape non-member money making

2007-12-02 6:15 am
My account have att(50), str (52), def(50), Prayer(25)(plz dont laugh). How can i train and making money faster. i want to buy full rune(t).

Can u have some idea other than chopping trees, fishiin lobbys or mining coals. DO anyone have some idea like fighting monster?, or what monster can i fight? tell me plz


Can u have some idea other than chopping trees, fishiin lobbys or mining coals. DO anyone have some idea like fighting monster?, or what monster can i fight? tell me plz


Thanks! They r useful answer! ilovecannan, mabye u can help me find some iron ores, my ac name is Waylon938


If i want to buy full rune (g) is it use the same ways that you all give me??

回答 (3)

2008-09-09 5:45 am
ok the website can help you. and
2007-12-05 2:07 am
If you are a high leveled combat, there are some monsters which drop good items, though they are scarce and the place would usually be quite packed (Hence more of the tendency for KSers, or Kill-Stealers, who are people who basically just walk in and take your monster that you were waiting for to spawn and then kick you out of your spot. Also there would be an increased chance of having arrow stealers, who are a pain in the butt, but I do pity them for having to resort to stealing arrows. Arrow stealers are NEWBIES, so DON'T become one.)

Some good Free-To-Play (F2P, a terminology I will use a lot in this guide) monsters which are good to kill would be Lesser Demons (level 82), found in Crandor predominantly. Moss Giants (Level 42) are another good monster to kill, and they can be found in the depths of Varrock Sewers and Crandor.
If you are a low-level and are thinking about using combat to gain money, I suggest you train at Barbarian Village . Believe it or not, it is very easy to gain levels there, the monastery is not even a minute's walk away (but you need 31 prayer to get in) and there is a limitless food supply there. Once you think you are done with this, I suggest going to Hill Giants (level 28) next. They drop big bones, which are very good for prayer experience, and for members the limpwurt roots are a bonus (for herblore - strength potion), and hill giants can drop iron and steel items. The third step would be to seek and mutilate Moss Giants (level 42). These also drop big bones, but they have better drops; such as Nature rune, uncut gem, black square, magic staff, mith sword, steel kite and steel bars are some examples. Remember that if you want to get to them in the Varrock sewers, you need to bring a weapon with 'slash' attack (to cut through the web). After 'Mossies', the final monster you should progress to is the feared Lesser Demon (level 82) They are one of the best monsters in Runescape, in my opinion. What you do is fish a load of lobsters or swordfish on the deck, cook them, proceed into the dungeon, genocide the lesser demons, who can drop rune med helms (which sell for 10k to other players or high alchemies for 11,520gp. Yes, that is why people buy rune med helms for 10k each.), up to 200gp, gems and consequently dragon med helms and shield halves.

2007-12-10 17:12:35 補充:
If you want some more details: There are so many in and search in for special reports then Find money Making...... That's all
2007-12-03 12:58 am
kill giants for big bones

250-450 gp ea!

If you are brave, kill other players in wildy, sure they drop some valuable things, keep them or sell them.

Moss giants drop L Roots. Sell them for 500ea or pick d red spider eggs and 5 gp to make str pot keep them or sell them at 800gp-1k ea!

Lesser Demon drops!

anyways, combat is not a very good money maker for non-member unless player-killing. combat is just a protection.

try woodcutting or mining/smelting or fishing/cooking

2007-12-03 20:18:21 補充:
Basically go to -- monster database -- search the monster and you can find what the monster can drop

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