
2007-12-02 5:33 am
According to a recent survey,40% of Hong Kong people are overweight.Many children will develop life-threatening conditions such as high blood pressure,diabetes and heart disease by the time they reach middle age.What are the causes for this.Why is it difficult to practise healthy hiving in HK?White a letter to the student newpaper of this school giving advice on healthy living.


回答 (6)

2007-12-02 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

.........= =' what is the meaning of 'hiving...= ="''



1:lack of exercise 唔做運動
2:not balance eating habit 不好的飲食習慣
4:lack of the concern of health ,對健康不關心,一樣,可以唔寫,同一原因

what is the difficulty,困難:
1: too busy太忙
-students have too much homework

2:being attracted ,被吸引
-by TV,Games
3:lack of the concern of health 一樣
4:may think they are still young ,seem unnecessary 覺得仲細,唔使理

advice 建議
1:more exercise (好巷地)
-choose walking instead of travelling by transport when going to somewhere 行路代替搭車
-do exercise for at least 30 mins continuously everyday 每日最少連續30mins 運動
2:have a balance diet (又係好巷地)
-set up a plan for diet which is followed by the food pyramid
-don't eat too much
-eat little by little , don't eat a large meal ,分開少少地食,唔好一次過食
-drink more water


2007-12-01 23:27:53 補充:
最多幫你寫埋個intro,之後你跟point 寫就可以,而個conclusion你寫下你既願望就可以我唔知寫比學生報係當article 定係 letter to editor,因為2個都有可能to editor 既話加:"Dear editor, i am writing to talk about the health problem that found in amount hongkong people"

2007-12-01 23:28:34 補充:
之後應該一樣:As we all know lots of the Hongkongers are overweight which is not a good phenomenon. It is ver improtant that we should take care of our health in order to have a healthy life and prevent problems like heart disease and diabetes.

2007-12-01 23:28:55 補充:
.For this , we can do lots of thing to take care about it. Therefore in the following passage i would like to find the causes ,difficulty of the phenomenon and give suggestions .
2007-12-03 4:58 am
根據一次最近調查, 40% 香港群眾是超重. 當他們到達中年,很多孩子將會患上威脅生命的疾病,例如高血壓, 糖尿病並且心臟病.是什麼原因導致這情況呢?為什麼健康生活這概念這裡難在香港實踐呢?寫一封信件對給學生一些健康生活的建議。
2007-12-02 7:21 am
1.依照一個最近的調查, 40% 香港人是超重的。當他們到達中年的時候,許多孩子將發展威脅生命的情況,像是高血壓、糖尿病和心臟病。什麼是這的因素。為什麼是它難以在 香港練習健康的進入蜂房?對提供在健康的生活上的忠告的這一所學校的學生報紙的白色一封信

參考: yahoo字典
2007-12-02 7:07 am
根據一個最近發表的研究,有40%香港人都超重。有很多小孩更有可能在成年後患上高血壓,糖尿病和心臟病等危害人生安全的疾病。 到底是什麼原因令這情況出現?為什麼香港人很難實行健康生活? 請向本校的學生報寫一封信,提議如果能活得健康?

fast food (成日食快餐)
unstable dining time (冇穩定既食飯時間)
heavy work load (因為有太多工作做,所以有時可能會唔記得左要食健康)
參考: 自己
2007-12-02 5:49 am
根據一次最近勘測, 40%香港人是超重。當他們到達中間年齡的時候,許多孩子將開發威脅生命的條件例如高血壓、糖尿病和心臟病。什麼是起因為此。為什麼是實踐健康分群在HK難的?白色給這所學校學生newpaper的一封信件在健康生活的提建議。
我英文水平好低 ,too!
2007-12-02 5:38 am

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