2007-12-02 5:22 am
1) The general term of a sequence is n(-1)^n. a)write the first six terms.b) what is the product of the first three odd number terms?c)what is the sum of the first three even number terms?

回答 (2)

2007-12-02 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) 1st term :1(-1)^1 = -1
2nd term:2(-1)^2= 2
3rd term: 3(-1)^3= -3
4th term: 4(-1)^4= 4
5th term: 5(-1)^5= -5
6th term: 6(-1)^6= 6
b) product of the first three odd number terms:
(-1)( -3)(-5)= -15
c)the sum of the first three even number terms:
(2+4+6)= 12
參考: myself
2007-12-02 5:46 am
a) the first six terms : -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6
b) (-1)(-3)(-5) = -15 //
c) 2+4+6=12 //

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