
2007-12-02 3:44 am

回答 (11)

2007-12-02 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know he is a man or not .

2007-12-01 19:52:09 補充:
我唔知佢係唔係男人"係唔係"姐係唔肯定 ,,第三位回答者的答案"I don't know he is a boy " ,,意思是"我唔知佢係個男人"所以是錯的
2007-12-02 4:56 am
Not sure if you are really asking a question or making a statement:

If a question ie you are not sure whether a person is a man or not, you can say, is he a man? I don't know if that person (you should not use he/she here as you do not know whether it is a he/she) is a man or not.

If a statement ie you want to say that person is very shy/timid, you can say:

Be a man, don't cry over spill milk
Peter is a coward, he should have stood up for his friend, is he a man??
2007-12-02 4:06 am
我諗係I don't know he is a man or not(第一個果個黎= =')最準呀,因為呢,male係男性= =(d人咁都答得出嫁),都唔係男人!~另一個係咩野knoe,果個直情係錯tim la!字都串錯!你再唔知既你咪去yahoo打reporting question(我諗係reporting question黎= =),你最好就係問老師!!
2007-12-02 4:03 am
I do not know whether he is a man
2007-12-02 3:57 am
I don't know whether he is male or not.
2007-12-02 3:56 am
I don't know whether he is a male or not.
參考: me
2007-12-02 3:54 am

I do not know if he is not the man

**hope can help u la!!**
參考: me~~
2007-12-02 3:49 am
I don't know he is a girl or boy .
2007-12-02 3:49 am
I don't know he is a man or a girl.
參考: me
2007-12-02 3:48 am
I know..

2007-12-01 19:49:13 補充:
I do not know is he a man or nothttp://www.yahoo.com.hk

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