adjective patterns .. about for/of

2007-12-02 2:56 am
It's + adj + of + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive
It's + adj + for + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive

It's necessary ________(for/of) you to think about your money.
係用of定for? 點解?

兩個pattern 所用既adjective 係唔係有些少分別?

回答 (2)

2007-12-02 3:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's + adj + of + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive 的of 是describe人的

eg. It is kind of you to help me. 在這, kind是describe你好好人.

It is careful of them to read the instructions first. careful是describe they 好小心

Usually , 如果adj是describe 人的話,是用of 的

eg. kind, clever , nice, greedy, careful ,naughty, brave ,generous etc

It's + adj + for + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive for 是describe thing 的

eg It is important for you to study hard. important在這是describe study hard 是重要

It is easy for me to look after a goldfish.

usually , adj describe thing 的時候是用for

eg. important , possible , easy, difficult, wonderful etc

It's necessary ________(for/of) you to think about your money.

是用for, 因為necessary 是describe think about your money

2007-12-01 19:30:21 補充:
而且necessary 是describe thing 的adj.
參考: me
2008-05-06 3:33 am
你教得好好牙 .
一點即明 `thz a lot:>

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