11old 可唔可以做俞加

2007-12-02 1:20 am
11old 可唔可以做俞加


回答 (4)

2007-12-02 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

任何適量的運動, 都係可以的.

2007-12-01 21:20:09 補充:

2007-12-01 22:05:46 補充:
我想問返發問者.......你見d 小朋友, 學巴雷舞係咪巳經細細個?巴雷舞的訓練, 係比yoga仲變態!你個骨生唔開, 都要免強拉開佢.yoga, 所有動作, 都係附合, 你自己可以抵受的重量, 和自己活.動比例由於唔駛表演, 無硬性定下你要拉最多.
2007-12-02 9:21 pm
2007-12-02 2:28 am
You can.

Firstly, you can join some yoga course which is for children only.


Secondly, you can buy or borrow books and learn from books.
CAUTION : This is quite dangerous as there is no tutor/ trainer.

You better try method one.


Thirdly, Ask you parents or elder relatives to have the course. After that , they can teach you.


Lastly, surf the net for some yoga guidelines.
CAUTION : This is also quite dangerous as there is no tutor/ trainer.


Wish you all the best.
參考: me
2007-12-02 1:49 am
you can, there are yoga courses for children also

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