Shopping mall? department store? =)

2007-12-01 11:52 pm
1) 點解我個英文老師話,
SOGO 唔係shopping mall
而係department store??

2) 咁點先算係Shopping mall , 點先算係department store??


回答 (2)

2007-12-02 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
shopping mall 是指一個建築物入面有不同類型的商舖,而商舖是不同的人經營的,例如amp, Harbour city等 。而department store 是一指大型百貨公司,例如永安,吉之島,sogo等。所以一個shopping mall 入面可能開了一間department store.
2007-12-12 9:55 am

A department store is a retail establishment which specializes in selling a wide range of products without a single predominant merchandise line. Department stores usually sell products including apparel, furniture, appliances, electronics, and additionally select other lines of products such as paint, hardware, toiletries, cosmetics, photographic equipment, jewellery, toys, and sporting goods. Certain department stores are further classified as discount department stores. Discount department stores commonly have central customer checkout areas, generally in the front area of the store. Department stores are usually part of a retail chain of many stores situated around a country or several countries.


A shopping mall or shopping centre is a building or set of buildings that contain a variety of retail units, with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit.
Strip malls have developed since the 1920s, corresponding to the rise of suburban living in the United States after World War II. As such, the strip mall development has been the subject of the same criticisms leveled against suburbanisation and suburban sprawl in general. In the United Kingdom these are called retail parks or out-of-town shopping centres or precincts.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:37:38
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