
2007-12-01 10:43 pm

回答 (7)

2007-12-01 10:52 pm
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很多人以為蘋果變黃是因為蘋果裡的 "鐵質" 氧化,那是錯誤的(相信大家吃蘋果時沒有吃鐵銹吧?!)

氧化的是 "酚化合物" (Phenol compound)。當這種酵素與空氣中的氧接觸結合,就會產生氧化作用,有色物質出現,令蘋果生銹。

不論用甚麼方法,只要減少蘋果與空氣 (氧氣) 接觸便可以減慢蘋果變黃,而糖水或鹽水一盤合氧量較少,可以大幅減慢氧化。

Apple changes to yellow, this process is known as oxidation.

Many people think that apple changes to yellow is due to the Iron inside it oxidized. In fact, this is wrong. (I suppose everyone didn't eat any rusting iron when eating an apple.)
Actually, the substance causing oxidation is Phenol compound. When Phenol compound combines with the oxygen in the air, oxdation occurs. Therefore, some coloured substances will produce which made the apple turns yellow.

Anyway, you can use any method you like to reduce the apple in contact with the air(Oxygen), so this can slow down the apple turns to yellow.

Normally, sugar solution and salt solution contain fewer oxygen, thus they can reduce the pace of oxidation sharply.
參考: Yahoo! Kwonlegde!
2007-12-01 11:53 pm
Because the apple has abundant iron, it is with the air emergence oxidation because of the iron in the apple that the apple will turn yellow
2007-12-01 11:06 pm
2007-12-01 11:04 pm
蘋果會變黃,因為牠含有多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)和過氧化酶(peroxidase,POD),在接觸空氣後,這兩種酶會使蘋果出現氧化,使蘋果內的糖分轉化為有基酸,使蘋果同時變酸。
kiierll,多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)和過氧化酶(peroxidase,POD)氧化的不是鐵,而是酚(phenol),這隻酶稱為酚氧化酶,那會氧化鐵,加上蘋果上的鐵,不是金屬鐵,那會被氧化成啡色。那些黃色就是來自被氧化後的酚(phenol)。
2007-12-01 10:54 pm




Rust Diseases
There are three rust diseases: cedar-apple rust, hawthorn rust, and quince rust. All three fungi spend part of their life cycle on the eastern red cedar and are problems only when red cedar is found close to the orchard. The most common is cedar-apple rust. These diseases can cause economic losses in several ways. Severe leaf infection and defoliation may make trees susceptible to winter injury. Severe defoliation reduces fruit size and quality, and infected fruit is deformed, sometimes very seriously. Cedar-apple rust occurs on leaves and fruit of apple and crabapple trees. Hawthorn rust occurs on leaves of pear, hawthorn, apple, and crabapple. Quince rust occurs on the leaves and fruit of quince and the fruit of pear, apple, and crabapple.

On leaves, cedar-apple rust, caused by the fungus Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae, first appears as small, pale-yellow spots on the upper surfaces. The spots enlarge and eventually, tiny, black, fruiting bodies (pycnia) become visible. Often a number of orange-yellow pustules, called aecia, are produced in each spot on the leaf.

Infected leaves may remain on the tree or may become yellow and drop. Quince rust, caused by the related fungus Gymnosporangium clavipes, does not infect apple leaves but does infect leaves and fruit of quince and hawthorn and can be observed in the spring on cedar branches. Fruit lesions are somewhat like leaf lesions but are much larger and often cause fruit to become disfigured or to develop unevenly.

Light-brown to reddish-brown galls form on the branches of red cedar. When they are dry and hard they may be 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter and are known as "cedar apples." The gall surface is covered with depressions much like those on a golf ball. In the spring, when the "cedar apples" become wet, a yellow-orange, gelatinous horn (telial horn) up to 2 inches long protrudes from each depression. Fruit infected by quince rust are usually puckered and distorted at the calyx end.

Disease Cycle
Spores discharged from these gelatinous telial horns are windborne, infecting apple leaves and fruit. Spore discharge begins about the pink stage of apple bloom and is usually completed in a few weeks. Following a few wet periods, the cedar galls die. Spots on apple leaves can be seen about 10 days after infection. Visible fruit infections require a somewhat longer time.

Aecia (yellow lesions) on the undersides of apple leaves or on fruit lesions themselves produce spores. Borne by winds, the spores may be carried back to the red cedar. After lodging in leaf axils or in crevices on cedar twigs, they germinate, infect the twig, and produce tiny galls the following spring. One year later, these galls produce gelatinous horns bearing spores that can infect apple trees.

Disease Management
Remove red cedar trees from the vicinity of apple trees. Plant scab-resistant apple cultivars, which may also be resistant to rusts. Fungicide applications should be made at the pink bud stage of apple and repeated at 7- to 10-day intervals through petal fall.

參考: fm above 2 websites
2007-12-01 10:51 pm
When an apple is cut (or bruised), oxygen is introduced into the injured plant tissue. When oxygen is present in cells, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzymes in the chloroplasts rapidly oxidize phenolic compounds naturally present in the apple tissues to o-quinones, colorless precursors to brown-colored secondary products. O-quinones then produce the well documented brown color by reacting to form compounds with amino acids or proteins, or they self-assemble to make polymers.

In short, apple has a huge amount of iron in it. When exposed to air, iron gets oxidies and turin into brown color!!
2007-12-01 10:49 pm

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