
2007-12-01 10:39 pm
首先會比佢揀3個程度 : 易 中度 難
之後會俾張印有圖畫的卡佢睇..( 按程度而俾唔同卡 )
例如: 係印左 蘋果 既圖案..

找返相應既英文生字 .. [ 姐係畫返印有apple既卡紙]


回答 (3)

2007-12-01 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Slights the law as follows:
First can compare sorts 3 degrees: Easy, moderate and difficult
Afterwards can enable opens is printed with the drawing card to look. (Enables dissimilar card according to degree)
For example: Is the India left apple already design.

Afterwards must be in 10 second time limits…
Is 20 is printed with in English unknown character already carton.
Looks returns the corresponding already English unknown character. [Elder sister is picture returns is printed with the apple already carton]
參考: 我想嫁
2007-12-04 12:39 am
instructions to the game:
1. pick a level that you want ie. easy, normal, hard
2. then you will recieve a card with a picture on it eg. an apple
3. from a bunch of 20 cards, you have to find the one with the english word that corresponds to the picture you have
4. you will get 10 seconds to answer

okay???? ^^
2007-12-01 10:51 pm

1) You can choose the level of the game - easy, normal or difficult

2) You will recive a card with a picture on it

3) There will be 20 vocabulary cards on the other side

4) You will have 10 seconds to find the vocabulary that match with your picture

Hope I can help you!

2007-12-01 17:33:11 補充:
That guy down there used a search engine. Even if you don't choose me for the best answer, don;t use his work. It's wrong.EG: 印 左 蘋果 既 圖案India left apple already design
參考: myself ( not translation engine )

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