請問 小六親子 4 x 100 點跑

2007-12-01 7:27 pm
本人從未玩過接力, 只是每晚跑 3 公里 (約20分鐘)
可能亞仔見我有跑吓,所以邀請我參加 - 都幾開心架!

請問 4 x 100 點跑, 我估我係最後一棒,
應該點接棒 - 邊走邊接?
我要改變練習方法嗎? - 一月中比賽



回答 (3)

2007-12-04 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
there are two ways to do so.
One is start with slow running, after you 接棒 , then you 爆
the other one is start with fast running, your teammate run to a centern place and you 爆
as soon as you start, and 接棒 without slow down.
the second one is better because it won't waste time, but you have to practise a lot with you teammates, and you may 跌棒.
when you are running , try to 把重心前移. you are running faster , and remember to step as far as you can ( with a high frequency).
add oil la!!!
參考: me (two year third runner up in 4x100 m race
2007-12-05 3:46 am

參考: me
2007-12-01 7:38 pm
參考: 自己

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