同人講 : 你打錯電話英文點講

2007-12-01 5:51 pm
同人講 : 你打錯電話英文點講 thanks

回答 (8)

2007-12-01 5:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你先問他 : What number you dial ?
他答 : xxxxxxxx
Wrong number, please check clearly.
你可答 It's Okay.
2007-12-02 3:53 pm
Sorry, I think you've got(dialled) the wrong number.
2007-12-01 9:30 pm
You: Hello
Someone: May I speak to xxx?
You: Sorry, I think you dialled the wrong number.
Someone: Oh, I am sorry.
You: It's Okay. Bye.
2007-12-01 7:52 pm
You get the wrong number
參考: me
2007-12-01 7:50 pm
you call no is with me!!
2007-12-01 6:13 pm
you dailed the wrong phone munber
參考: me
2007-12-01 6:10 pm
You've got the wrong number.
You've dialled the wrong number.
Wrong number.
2007-12-01 6:01 pm
sorry,you call a wrong number.
參考: me me me me me me me me me me

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