
2007-12-01 8:48 am
我想問下, 有無人試過用facebook找yahoo的電郵地址address book入面既朋友?

我之前都有找到, 最近果次找到都仲有九個, 我九個都無add架, 但係唔知點解, 之後就話:None of your Yahoo contacts are on Facebook yet. 然後到依家都再搵唔到一個喇, 係咪yahoo做左o的咩野, 定係我個電郵俾人hack左定係咩原因呢?

好擔心, 謝謝

回答 (1)

2007-12-01 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
your email is not hacked
but the website Facebook is not working really well, there are lots of problems in Facebook, so if you have to add your contacts, you need to go to Facebook and search your friends' names and press 'add to friend'
參考: me+facebook

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